The Blaydon Races....

This photo shows John in his studio in Lemington in the 1960s. On the easel is a painting called “The Ninth of June, 1962” and this photo is the only visual record we have of it. It is one of around 450 of John’s “missing” paintings and is of historical importance. It shows crowds on Scotswood Bridge celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Blaydon Races. The original Blaydon Races were horse races, commemorated in “The Blaydon Races” music hall song written and performed by Geordie Ridley in 1862. The song charts the colourful journey from Balmbra’s in Newcastle to the racecourse site at Blaydon Island. The site of the original races is long gone following the dredging of the River Tyne but there is now a modern road race held on June 9th which follows follows the route taken by original spectators on the omnibus from Newcastle. Let us know if you come across the painting so we can get details for our records!